About group digital signatures


  • Adriana Cristina Enache Military Technical Academy


group digital signature, privacy, identification, ACJT signature, CG signature


Group signatures try to combine security (no framing, no cheating) and privacy(anonymity, unlinkability).A group digital signature is a digital signature with enhanced privacy features that allows members of a given group to anonymously sign messages on behalf of the group, producing a group signature. However, in the case of dispute the identity of the signature's originator can be revealed by a designated entity (group manager). The present paper describes the main concepts about group signatures, along with a brief state of the art and shows a personal cryptographic library implemented in Java that includes two group signatures.


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How to Cite

Enache, A. C. (2012). About group digital signatures. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 4(3), 193-202. Retrieved from http://jmeds.eu/index.php/jmeds/article/view/About_Group_Digital_Signatures