An Advanced Platform for Collaborative and Mobile Enterprise 2.0


  • Domenico Consoli University of Urbino


web 2.0, enterprise 2.0, mobile enterprise, collaborative software, web services, SOA


Recently, a new model of Enterprise 2.0, which interacts actively with customers using web 2.0 tools (chat, forum, blog, wiki, social network) to improve and develop new products/services and to satisfy market requirements, is affirming.  The company to communicate with all stakeholders of the supply chain and to exploit all business services  of the  Information System can use smart and mobile devices. The new model of business, provided of technological tools,  is a mobile and collaborative enterprise that interact, exchange and share information with the internal and external social environment. In this paper we describe, in detail, an advanced platform that integrates various tools and applications and  supports the new model of business. In this way the enterprise can implement a corporate strategy to reach competitive advantages.

Author Biography

Domenico Consoli, University of Urbino

Department of Economics, Society and Politics


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How to Cite

Consoli, D. (2012). An Advanced Platform for Collaborative and Mobile Enterprise 2.0. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 4(2), 121-133. Retrieved from