Analyzing and Specifying Security Requirements in Early Stages of Software Development Life Cycle


  • Elena Simona Coles IT&C Security Master Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics The Bucharest University of Economic Studies


Security, Software, Life Cycle, Development


As of lately, more and more studies show that, at a global level, one of the most important causes of economic loss is unauthorized access to informatics resources. For example, a CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security report from 2006 states that, in the top identified causes for economic loss in the USA, unauthorized access to informatics resources takes second place (Gordon et. al., 2006). Without a doubt, given the accelerated growth of software industry in the present, this need of security should be taken into account in Romania as a top priority. At the moment, in the requirements extraction phase from the software development life cycle, importance is given only to functional requirements. Thus appears the problem of identifying adequate solutions for treating non-functional requirements, where security requirements are included.


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How to Cite

Coles, E. S. (2015). Analyzing and Specifying Security Requirements in Early Stages of Software Development Life Cycle. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 7(2), 87-94. Retrieved from