Homomorphic Encryption Schemes and Applications for a Secure Digital World


  • Diana Stefania Maimut École Normale Supérieure
  • Alecsandru Patrascu Politehnica University of Bucharest
  • Emil Simion Advanced Technologies Institute


cloud computing, homomorphic encryption, partially homomorphic encryption, fully homomorphic encryption, homomorphic operation, voting scheme, private information retrieval


As stated by NIST in "Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing", lowering costs for computing resources made Cloud Computing attractive for different organizations and users. Modern software applications that run on desktops, Cloud or mobile device ecosystems are exposed to many security threats. For instance, there are security issues that affect the processing of confidential data in the Cloud because the providers of Cloud services have full access to the hardware, storage, software and as a result, to confidential data. Furthermore malicious software can be ran in the Cloud or and attack other Cloud services to retrieve confidential information. Mainly the mobile device ecosystem is vulnerable because the digital assets and confidential data they contain represent an attractive target for the attackers. Assuming fully homomorphic encryption schemes, which allow computing any function over encrypted data, will become fast enough to be considered practical, privacy concerns with respect to desktop, Cloud or mobile services could be solved.

Author Biographies

Diana Stefania Maimut, École Normale Supérieure

Computer Science Department

Alecsandru Patrascu, Politehnica University of Bucharest

Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science


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How to Cite

Maimut, D. S., Patrascu, A., & Simion, E. (2012). Homomorphic Encryption Schemes and Applications for a Secure Digital World. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 4(4), 224-232. Retrieved from http://jmeds.eu/index.php/jmeds/article/view/83