Design and Implementation of a Cyber-Defense Exercise


  • Adrian Furtuna Military Technical Academy


cyber-defense, exercise, education, training


Learning by practice is a very effective way of education in some activity domains, including information security. The article explores this idea by showing how a cyber-defense exercise can be designed and implemented in order to reach its educational goals.

Author Biography

Adrian Furtuna, Military Technical Academy

Computer Science Department


Syrnantec Corporation. Global Internet Security Threat Report — Trends for 2008

Wayne Schepens, Daniel Ragsdale, John Surdu. The Cyber Defence Exercise: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Information Assurance Education

Art Conklin, The Use of a Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition in Information Security Education

Paul J. Wagner and Jason M. Wudi, Designing and Implementing a Cyberwar Laboratory Exercise for a Computer Security Course

Jose Carlos Brustoloni, Laboratory Experiments for Network Security Instruction

Mike O'Leary, A Laboratory Based Capstone Course in Computer Security for Undergraduates

James Walden, A Real Time Information Warfare Exercise On A Virtual Network

Lance J. Hoffman, Daniel Ragsdale: Exploring a National Cyber Security Exercise for Colleges and Universities

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 - Critical




How to Cite

Furtuna, A. (2010). Design and Implementation of a Cyber-Defense Exercise. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 2(2), 74-83. Retrieved from