Rootkits and Malicious Code Injection


  • Marius Vlad Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies


GNU/Linux, rootkits, shellcode, stack overflow, buffer overrun, vulnerability


Rootkits are considered by many to be one of the most stealthy computer malware (malicious software) and pose significant threats. Hiding their presence and activities impose hijacking the control flow by altering data structures, or by using hooks in the kernel. As this can be achieved by loadable kernel code sections, this paper tries to explain common entry points into a Linux kernel and how to keep a persistent access to a compromised machine.

Author Biography

Marius Vlad, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

IT&C Security Master at Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics Faculty


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How to Cite

Vlad, M. (2011). Rootkits and Malicious Code Injection. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 3(2), 91-99. Retrieved from