Web Security in University Curricula


  • Cristian Opincaru Thales Rail Signalling Solutions


security, curriculum, web applications, web services


While Web applications and Web services gain more and more ground, the academic curriculum is not always keeping the pace. This paper presents the content of a course focused on Web security; as such it starts by defining the goals of the course, then defines the topics for the course units and finally describes the topics and the setup for laboratory units. The paper brings its contribution through the design of a course covering security aspects for both Web applications and Web services and through the detailed description of practical units and laboratory setup.


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How to Cite

Opincaru, C. (2010). Web Security in University Curricula. Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, 2(2), 84-90. Retrieved from http://jmeds.eu/index.php/jmeds/article/view/Web-Security-in-University-Curricula